It's the most energy ready molecule we can eat, it plays well with other food, and especially here in the South, it's both sweet potato and tea's best friend.
I was recently contacted by the big daddy of all sugar companies, Domino/C&H, and they asked me to make a sweeeet recipe off of their website for the holidays. They even gave me a $20 gift card to help me pay for expenses for the sweets. That was a very awesome day for me.
It was like they read my student loan/mortgage/eat 8 times a day mind :)
So I scanned though the recipe index they have, and honestly, their list is super extensive. I was flooded with tons of good looking recipes. It reminds me to always check out the back of your flour and sugar bags, because there's some really interesting gold on there. Perfect for those days when I am out of baking ideas :)

My neighbor used to always make this caramel-y, almost maple sugar tasting candy for the holidays called Penuche. It's a really, really funny word... but it tastes really good. It's like an anti-fudge fudge, with minimal ingredients, and no chocolate. It's a whole lot of brown sugar, which gives it this maple/molasses flavor.
It's pretty awesome, and def worth a taste at least once. Especially if you like blondies or something like that.
Plus, I think if brown and white sugar got in a fight... brown sugar would probably win. It sticks together better... and we all know there's strength in numbers :)

Domino Sugar
Recipe found here
-1 lb Domino Brown Sugar
- about 2 1/2 cups
-3/4 cup milk
-1/8 tsp salt
-2 1/2 Tbs unsalted butter
-1 tsp vanilla
-1 cup nuts (I used walnuts)
Grease 8x8 pan; set aside.
Combine sugar, milk and salt in heavy 2-quart saucepan. Place over medium heat, stirring until sugar dissolves. Wipe sugar crystals from side of pan as necessary.
Cook without stirring until candy reaches 238°F or soft ball stage. Remove from heat; add butter. Without stirring, cool to 110°F or lukewarm. Add vanilla and nuts.
Stir continuously until thick and creamy. Spread into prepared pan at once. When firm, cut into squares. Store in airtight container.
Makes 24 pieces or (1 1/4 lbs.)
This was actually my first candy making experience, which was pretty neat. I am proud to say that yes, I am a football loving male that weight trains and owns a candy thermometer :) I really liked the flavor, it's simple and smooth... just be careful because a little goes a loooong way. Make sure to share with friends. Enjoy your weekend, and to everyone in the 10in10 group, keep going, you guys are doing great!
they read my postdoc salaried/living in boston/student loan mind, too :)
ps- i replied to your email from my personal google acct so maybe it got spammed, but i thought deadlifts were done with only a slight bend in the knee?
I love your idea of adding kielbasa to my mushroom ragu. Now I want to play with the recipe and try a new sausage with it!
and i love your white vs. brown sugar battle. so true!
Hmm I got a gift card from Domino, too. I fall for bribes easily. But I'm such a slacker, I hope they don't think I ripped them off for $20!! =/
Great pictures!
sauce - it is TO DIE FOR. OMG! I need some and SOON. Good thing I am going up North for a coupla weeks. :)
Penuche is really very delicious recipe.. Thanks for sharing this recipe.. Easy to prepare.
I LOVED your guest post you did for Veggie Girl! Actually made me laugh a few times, im not not much of a laugh out loud kinda girl... So it's always nice to make read something that makes me smile :)